Meeting places for our rides
Check the list for local starts in the West Kent and South London locations…
Check the list for local starts in the West Kent and South London locations…
We are Cycling UK’s local organisation for the areas of West Kent and South East London. We welcome all bike riders to ride with us, whatever your ability and are well known for never leaving anyone behind.
ABW | Ashford, Blue and White Cafe |
ACP | Aylesford Car Park |
AHP | Avery Hill Park Cafe |
APB | Appledore Bridge |
APC | Appledore Church |
APF | Ashford, Park Farm Tesco |
APS | Appledore Station |
ASS | Ashford Station |
BAB | Bat and Ball Sainsbury/Macdonalds |
BAC | Blackheath, All Saints Church |
BAM | Badgers Mount |
BCC | Bexleyheath, Christ Church |
BCT | Bexleyheath Clock Tower |
BCX | Boughton Cock Crossroads |
BEC | Bearsted Church |
BES | Bearsted Station |
BEV | Bethersden Village Hall |
BEX | Bexley Station |
BGC | Borough Green Cafe |
BGS | Borough Green Station |
BGV | Borough Green Village Hall |
BHP | Bexley Hall Place |
BIP | Biddenden Post Office |
BLG | Blackfen, George Staples |
BLW | Blackfen, Woodman |
BMS | Barming Station |
BOG | Boughton Green |
BPO | Bexley Post Office |
BRC | Brenchley Church |
BSS | Bromley South Station |
BVC | Biddenden Village Car Park |
BVH | Bredgar Village Hall |
BVP | Bredgar Village Post Office |
CAP | Camer Park |
CCS | Charing Cross Station |
CES | Canterbury East Station |
CHI | Chilham Station |
CHS | Charing Station |
CPO | Chislehurst Post Office |
CVH | Crockenhill Village Hall |
CWM | Cobham War Memorial |
CWS | Canterbury West Station |
CYH | Canterbury Youth Hostel |
CPA2 | Cycle Park A2 |
DAL | Dartford Library |
DAS | Dartford Station |
DFT | Dover Ferry Terminal |
DGT | Dunton Green Tesco/Station |
DLS | Dartford Lowfield Street |
DTC | Dartford Tunnel Car Park |
EDT | Edenbridge Town Station |
EMC | Erith, Morrison's Car Park |
EYN | Eynsford |
FAG | Farnborough, The George |
FAR | Farningham Roundabout |
FAS | Faversham Station |
FLH | Farningham, Lion Hotel |
FRC | Farningham Road Station |
GCS | Greenwich, Cutty Sark |
GFT | Greenwich, Foot Tunnel |
GLP | Gravesend Linear Park |
GOG | Golden Green |
GPB | Greenwich Park, Bandstand |
GPC | Gravesend, Promenade Cafe |
GPS | Grove Park Station |
GRC | Gillingham Riverside Country Park |
GRF | Gravesend Ferry |
GRW | Greenwich Wetherspoons |
GSG | Green Street Green |
HBS | Hildenborough Station |
HES | Headcorn Station |
HGC | Hawley Garden Centre |
HIB | High Brooms Station |
HIH | High Halstow |
HIS | Higham Station |
HOS | Hollingbourne Station |
HSS | Harrietsham Station |
HVH | Harvel Village Hall |
IGS | Island Garden Station (DLR) |
IHV | Ide Hill Viewpoint |
KBI | Kemsing, Bell Inn |
KCM | Knockholt, Coolings (Main Road) |
KCS | Kings Cross Station |
KEM | Keston Mark |
KIC | Kidbrooke Crossroads |
KIT | Kingsnorth, Tesco |
KNS | Knockholt Station |
KVF | Keston Village, The Fox |
LBS | London Bridge Station (WHSmith) |
LES | Lenham Station |
LGC | Lullingstone Golf Club |
LIC | Linton Crossroads |
LOS | Longfield Station |
LPM | Leigh, Powder Mills |
LSQ | Lenham Square |
LSS | Liverpool Street Station |
MAS | Marden Station |
MCG | Meopham Cricket Ground |
MEG | Meopham Green |
MES | Meopham Station |
MLC | Maidstone Leisure Centre |
MMB | Maidstone Market Buildings |
MSH | Meopham Scout Hall |
MSP | Maidstone, South Park (Pavilion) |
NEW | Newington Station |
OCH | Otford, Church Hall |
OEC | Otford, Ellenor's Cafe |
OLP | Old Polhill |
ORS | Orpington Station |
OSH | Otford Scout Hall |
OSN | Offham Spadeworks Nursery |
OTP | Otford Pond |
OTS | Otford Station |
OVH | Otford Village Hall |
OWM | Orpington War Memorial |
PAS | Paddington Station |
PBR | Pratts Bottom Roundabout |
PBH | Pratts Bottom Bulls Head |
PBV | Pratts Bottom Village Hall |
PEP | Penshurst Place |
PLS | Pluckley Station |
PMD | Polhill, Michael's Diner |
PWS | Paddock Wood Station |
RCS | Rochester, Castle Steps |
ROC | Rochester Station |
ROS | Robertsbridge Station |
RUC | Ruxley Corner |
SCP | Shorne Country Park |
SEB | Smeeth, Evegate Business Centre |
SES | Sevenoaks Station |
SGC | Shoreham Golf Club |
SGS | Stonegate Station |
SIS | Sittingbourne Station |
SMC | St Mary Cray Station |
SNC | Singlewell, Nell's Cafe |
SNS | Snodland Station |
SPS | St Pancras Station |
SSS | Sole Street Station |
STS | Staplehurst Station |
SWC | Swanley Car Park |
SWS | Swanley Station |
TCO | Tonbridge, Cycle Ops |
TCP | Trosley Country Park |
TES | Tenterden Station |
THM | Thanington, Morrison's |
TOC | Tonbridge Castle |
TOS | Tonbridge Station |
TSP | Tonbridge Swimming Pool |
TSH | Tonbridge Scout Hall |
TWH | Tunbridge Wells, Hungershall Park |
TWP | Tunbridge Wells, The Pantiles |
TWR | Tunbridge Wells, High Rocks |
TWS | Tunbridge Wells Station |
TWT | Tunbridge Wells Town Hall |
UWR | Underriver White Rock |
WAC | Wateringbury Crossroads |
WAS | Waterloo Station |
WAT | Wateringbury Car Park/Railway Inn |
WCG | Wrotham Cricket Ground |
WFS | Woolwich Ferry South |
WFT | Woolwich Foot Tunnel |
WHS | Wadhurst Station |
WIC | Wittersham Church |
WKC | West Kent CTC Clubroom |
WMC | West Malling Car Park |
WMH | West Malling, Hope Statue |
WMS | West Malling Station |
WPC | Woodchurch Car Park |
WPG | West Peckham Green |
WRB | Woodchurch, Rare Breeds Centre |
WRC | Wrotham Church |
WSH | Weald Scout Hut |
WVC | Wrotham Village Car Park |
WVH | Woodchurch Village Hall |
YAS | Yalding Station |
YWM | Yalding War Memorial |
Appledore Bridge | APB |
Appledore Church | APC |
Appledore Station | APS |
Ashford, Blue and White Cafe | ABW |
Ashford, Park Farm Tesco | APF |
Ashford Station | ASS |
Avery Hill Park Cafe | AHP |
Aylesford Car Park | ACP |
Badgers Mount | BAM |
Barming Station | BMS |
Bat and Ball Sainsbury/Mcdonalds | BAB |
Bearsted Church | BEC |
Bearsted Station | BES |
Bethersden Village Hall | BEV |
Bexley Post Office | BPO |
Bexley Station | BEX |
Bexley Hall Place | BHP |
Bexleyheath Clock Tower | BCT |
Bexleyheath, Christ Church | BCC |
Biddenden Post Office | BIP |
Biddenden Village Car Park | BVC |
Blackfen, George Staples | BLG |
Blackfen, Woodman | BLW |
Blackheath, All Saints Church | BAC |
Borough Green Cafe | BGC |
Borough Green Station | BGS |
Borough Green Village Hall | BGV |
Boughton Cock Crossroads | BCX |
Boughton Green | BOG |
Bredgar Village Post Office | BVP |
Bredgar Village Hall | BVH |
Brenchley Church | BRC |
Bromley South Station | BSS |
Camer Park | CAP |
Canterbury East Station | CES |
Canterbury West Station | CWS |
Canterbury Youth Hostel | CYH |
Charing Cross Station | CCS |
Charing Station | CHS |
Chilham Station | CHI |
Chislehurst Post Office | CPO |
Cobham War Memorial | CWM |
Crockenhill Village Hall | CVH |
Dartford Library | DAL |
Dartford Lowfield Street | DLS |
Dartford Station | DAS |
Dartford Tunnel Car Park | DTC |
Dover Ferry Terminal | DFT |
Dunton Green Tesco/Station | DGT |
Edenbridge Town Station | EDT |
Erith, Morrison's Car Park | EMC |
Eynsford | EYN |
Farnborough, The George | FAG |
Farningham, Lion Hotel | FLH |
Farningham Road Station | FRC |
Farningham Roundabout | FAR |
Faversham Station | FAS |
Gillingham Riverside Country Park | GRC |
Golden Green | GOG |
Gravesend Cyclo Park | CPA2 |
Gravesend Linear Park | GLP |
Gravesend Ferry | GRF |
Gravesend, Promenade Cafe | GPC |
Green Street Green | GSG |
Greenwich, Cutty Sark | GCS |
Greenwich, Foot Tunnel | GFT |
Greenwich Wetherspoons | GRW |
Greenwich Park, Bandstand | GPB |
Grove Park Station | GPS |
Harrietsham Station | HSS |
Harvel Village Hall | HVH |
Hawley Garden Centre | HGC |
Headcorn Station | HES |
High Brooms Station | HIB |
High Halstow | HIH |
Higham Station | HIS |
Hildenborough Station | HBS |
Hollingbourne Station | HOS |
Ide Hill Viewpoint | IHV |
Island Garden Station (DLR) | IGS |
Kemsing, Bell Inn | KBI |
Keston Mark | KEM |
Keston Village, The Fox | KVF |
Kidbrooke Crossroads | KIC |
Kings Cross Station | KCS |
Kingsnorth, Tesco | KIT |
Knockholt, Coolings (Main Road) | KCM |
Knockholt Station | KNS |
Leigh, Powder Mills | LPM |
Lenham Square | LSQ |
Lenham Station | LES |
Linton Crossroads | LIC |
Liverpool Street Station | LSS |
London Bridge Station | LBS |
Longfield Station | LOS |
Lullingstone Golf Club | LGC |
Maidstone Leisure Centre | MLC |
Maidstone Market Buildings | MMB |
Maidstone; South Park (Pavilion) | MSP |
Marden Station | MAS |
Meopham Cricket Ground | MCG |
Meopham Green | MEG |
Meopham Scout Hall | MSH |
Meopham Station | MES |
Newington Station | NEW |
Old Polhill | OLP |
Offham Spadeworks Nursery | OSN |
Orpington Station | ORS |
Orpington War Memorial | OWM |
Otford, Church Hall | OCH |
Otford, Ellenor's Cafe | OEC |
Otford Pond | OTP |
Otford Scout Hall | OSH |
Otford Station | OTS |
Otford Village Hall | OVH |
Paddington Station | PAS |
Paddock Wood Station | PWS |
Penshurst Place | PEP |
Pluckley Station | PLS |
Polhill, Michael's Diner | PMD |
Pratts Bottom Bulls Head | PBH |
Pratts Bottom Roundabout | PBR |
Pratts Bottom Village Hall | PBV |
Robertsbridge Station | ROS |
Rochester, Castle Steps | RCS |
Rochester Station | ROC |
Ruxley Corner | RUC |
Sevenoaks Station | SES |
Shoreham Golf Club | SGC |
Shorne Country Park | SCP |
Singlewell, Nell's Cafe | SNC |
Sittingbourne Station | SIS |
Smeeth, Evegate Business Centre | SEB |
Snodland Station | SNS |
Sole Street Station | SSS |
St Mary Cray Station | SMC |
St Pancras Station | SPS |
Staplehurst Station | STS |
Stonegate Station | SGS |
Swanley Car Park | SWC |
Swanley Station | SWS |
Tenterden Station | TES |
Thanington, Morrison's | THM |
Tonbridge Castle | TOC |
Tonbridge, Cycle Ops | TCO |
Tonbridge Scout Hall | TSH |
Tonbridge Station | TOS |
Tonbridge Swimming Pool | TSP |
Trosley Country Park | TCP |
Tunbridge Wells, High Rocks | TWR |
Tunbridge Wells, Hungershall Park | TWH |
Tunbridge Wells, Pantiles | TWP |
Tunbridge Wells Station | TWS |
Tunbridge Wells Town Hall | TWT |
Underriver White Rock | UWR |
Wadhurst Station | WHS |
Wateringbury Car Park/Railway Inn | WAT |
Wateringbury Crossroads | WAC |
Waterloo Station | WAS |
Weald Scout Hut | WSH |
West Kent CTC Clubroom | WKC |
West Malling Car Park | WMC |
West Malling, Hope Statue | WMH |
West Malling Station | WMS |
West Peckham Green | WPG |
Wittersham Church | WIC |
Woodchurch Car Park | WPC |
Woodchurch, Rare Breeds Centre | WRB |
Woodchurch Village Hall | WVH |
Woolwich Ferry South | WFS |
Woolwich Foot Tunnel | WFT |
Wrotham Church | WRC |
Wrotham Cricket Ground | WCG |
Wrotham Village Car Park | WVC |
Yalding Station | YAS |
Yalding War Memorial | YWM |